Interface IStaticProps

Static properties for a component. These properties remain constant throughout the lifecycle of the component. This interface extends IStaticProps, inheriting the static properties defined for modules.



__fixHelperStaticProps?: any
canAutoHide?: boolean

If true, the scroll bars will be hidden when inactive. The scroll bar will only become visible during scrolling or interactions.

The scrollable element to which the scroll bar will be applied. Can be the window, a custom scroll instance, or an HTML element.


domParent?: false | Element

The element where the scroll bars will be rendered. If false, the scroll bar will be appended to the container.


isDraggable?: boolean

If true, the scroll bars will be draggable, allowing users to drag the thumb to scroll.

minSize?: number

The minimum size of the scroll bar's thumb. This property is only applied when shouldAutoSize is true.

resizeDebounce?: number

Timeout value (in milliseconds) to debounce the resize event. This helps avoid multiple rapid invocations of resize handling.


scrollBehavior?: "auto" | "smooth"

Defines the scroll behavior during dragging for custom scroll instances. This property determines whether the scroll will be smooth or immediate ('auto'). This option is only applicable for CustomScroll instances.

shouldAutoSize?: boolean

If true, the size of the scroll bar's thumb will adjust automatically based on the content length and the viewport size.