Function spreadScope

  • Distribute the progress scope evenly across a specified number of timelines, with an optional overlap or shift between them.

    The function divides the range [0, 1] into segments, where each segment represents the progress of a timeline. The shift parameter allows overlap or space between the timelines. A shift of 0 means no overlap, while positive values introduce overlap between timelines.


    • quantity: number

      The number of timelines to distribute the progress scope over.

    • shift: number

      A value from 0 to 1 that determines how much overlap exists between timelines. A shift of 0 means no overlap, while a shift closer to 1 results in more overlap. Negative values could introduce gaps between the timelines.

    Returns number[][]


    spreadScope(3, 0.1);
    // => [[0, 0.357], [0.321, 0.678], [0.642, 1]]
    // Progress of 3 timelines with 0.1 shift (slight overlap)

    spreadScope(3, 0.9);
    // => [[0, 0.833], [0.083, 0.916], [0.167, 1]]
    // Progress of 3 timelines with 0.9 shift (more overlap)